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Prophetic Word 2005


Prophetic Word for 2005

Words given through Pastor Paula Baker

January 2005

2005 is the year for the church to come alive. This will be a year of grace, if we judge ourselves. If we judge ourselves then God will not have to judge us. We must stop judging others, now.

This will be a year of acceleration, what took 100 years to get done will now take only days.

This is a year of evangelism, a year to go. This is a year to move, from house to house, city to city, state to state, job to job, and any other thing that you could move from. It is very much like a chess board and you need to get positioned for victory.

This is a year of the fullness of time. Things that haven’t happened yet were because it was not the fullness of time, but now we are moving into a whole year of the fullness of time.

This is a year when you will see your prophesies come to pass, you must write out your prophetic words and war over them. Do not put your prophesies in a drawer, the Lord will not bring them to pass if you hide them in a drawer. If you bring out the past prophetic words you have in a drawer and war over them you will see them come to pass this year as well.

This will be a year of suddenly, both good and bad. This is a year of divine connections, but you must be looking for them or you might miss them, they may not seem to be what you were looking for. Be careful of what you say yuk to. This will be a year of being out of your comfort zone.