Miracles at the Realms of Glory Conference !
May 11th-13th 2008
We had a wonderful time in the Presence of God at the Realms of Glory Conference with Guest Minister Joshua Mills!
While he was ministering on Monday night and testifying of the wonderful
miracles and signs that the Lord has been doing through him, like him being covered with gold dust and supernatural
oil, the supernatural oil started flowing from his left hand right before our very eyes. Wow what an amazing God we
He then preceded to ask the crowd to bring something to the alter to anoint and they all brought something.....jackets,
shoes, purses, bibles until there was a huge mountain of stuff right before Joshua on the floor.
Joshua then preceeded to have his sister Sabrina pray while he dove into the mountain of stuff to anoint it with
the supernatural oil and the crowd went wild with cheers and shouts of faith and praise to God as Joshua continued
to anoint the stuff and while his sister prayed.
Then Tuesday night the Lord blessed Joshua with the gold dust and he was sparkling with glory! Joshua laid
hands on everone that night for an impartation of the glory to be brought into they're lives.
It was a glorious time of Worship and Praise and Faith in this conference and I wished it could have just gone
on forever.

Joshua Mills |

Healing Annointing touches Kabod 2 Nov 2-4 2005
Three people reported instant healing from Neck Pain and Headaches
One person troubled by headaches from Neck Vertebrae healed
One person reported instant relief from Migraine Headache
One person reported instant relief from pain due to crook in kneck
Two people reported instant healing from Arthritis
One person healed from arthritis in knees, elbows, and back
One person healed from arthritis in knees and hip due to herneated disc in back
Two people broke off generational family curse of free masonry
Three people reported instant deliverance from depression and anxiety
"Surely the Lord's Presence
is in this place"

Revival Report October 12-16, 2005
Annointed Worship ushered in the presence of God. At one point, His presence was so thick, everything seemed to
stop. In the glorious silence, prophetess Valeria began to speak, 'He is Here'
A Lady In a Wheelchair walks....